
We have all grounds covered


We want to make the property process efficient for everyone. Whether you’re a buyer, seller, landlord, or even just current homeowner seeking services.321 Estates has a huge list of professional contacts that can offer a whole range of services from start to finish to help you on your property journey.

Property Sourcing

Don’t take stress when you don’t need to, why not let us find the perfect property for you. Whether you are a first time buyer or a portfolio landlord, let us save you time and hassle.

Legal Pack Creation

321 Estates has a large but extremely dedicated team of legal experts that can help you with the sale of property. We have the right team that can help you create a full and extensive legal pack for your property.

Tenancy Creation

Already got a property? Already got the tenants? Haven’t got the correct tenancy agreement. No need to worry, a tenancy creation is just one of the many services we offer here at 321 Estates.


Whether you are buying or selling, you will no doubt have to go through a conveyancing process. So why not let our experts help you out. We have a quality team who can hold your hand through the entire conveyancing process and make sure everything happens correctly and on-time.


New to the market? Contact us for a valuation on your land or property, sales or lettings. We can help.

Legal Pack Report

Many people over the years have failed to read legal packs on properties they have purchased. Don’t make the same mistake, let us give you a full breakdown and written report so you don’t make any mistakes.

Searches & Surveys

We offer a full range of property searches and surveys. Contact us now to find the right one for you and your needs.

Architectural & Planning

321 Estates now has a team of on hand of highly experienced architects who can help you achieve your dream build no matter how ambitious.

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